November 19, 2017

#WeWriWa Never Say Die: A Zombie Time Loop Story #zombie #paranormal #apocalyptic #groundhogday

Enjoying your weekend? How about an 8-10 sentence snippet? I have one as do all the Weekend Writing Warriors. Cassy is on her way to remove the doctor that created the infection turning most people into zombies.

The sun is just setting when I hit Albuquerque’s limits. I get lost twice trying to find the doctor’s house. A little boy, probably four, is playing on the front lawn. He still has rings of baby fat on his arms and legs and his cheeks are full. His blonde hair is sparse, like it’s still growing in, and sticks up at odd angles. His mother comes to stand on the front step and call him into the house.
Four. Few younger than six will survive. This boy will probably be eaten by the mother that feeds him.

You can purchase Never Say Die on most platforms or in paperback:  AmazonNookKoboiBookspaper.


  1. Wow, this is ominous. At first I thought maybe the sight of the child will slow her down, but she only seems more determined.

  2. What has life come to? It's a mess. Your writing is special.

  3. You are one really brave typist and author to use Alburk . . . Alburqur . . . the capitol of New Mexico as a setting.

  4. I thought he sounded mighty tasty. What a grim view of things to come!

  5. Yet there is still the dilemma of leaving him without a father. A great snippet! :)

  6. Mommys who eat their kids sound pretty scary to me.

  7. A grimly terrifying look of what's to come. What a burden to carry!

  8. That last line pretty much sums up a zombie apocalypse.

  9. Oh that's sad. I know it would be true though.

  10. How chilling! I do hope she can prevent that from happening.

  11. Yikes. I really hope she can prevent that from happening to the kid.

  12. What a terrible vision of this future! Very grim and dark, this snippet, but probably exactly what would happen in this situation.
